Archive for the ‘ Civil Disobedience ’ Category

10 Steps That Close An Open Society

[Edit – Added 1 more notable link. Thanks for the pingback Walski]

The events of the past few weeks have prompted me to put this out since I believe this information is important in influencing our reaction(s) towards provocation.

Invoke an internal and external threat
– People who are afraid are willing to do things that they wouldn’t otherwise do.

Establish secret (unaccountable) prisons where torture takes place
– In a secret system, the government does not have to provide any proof of wrongdoing by those it holds, so it can incarcerate anyone it wants.

Develop a paramilitary force
– A private military force — under the exclusive direction of the “commander in chief” with no accountability to Congress, the courts, or the public — blurs the line between a civilian police force and a militarized police state.
[Edit – This is part that scares me the most.]

Surveil ordinary citizens
– People who believe they are being watched are less likely to voice opposition. To scare a population into silence, the government need only monitor the activities of a few to make everyone fear that they are being surveilled. Every closed society keeps a “list” of so-called opponents it tracks.

Infiltrate citizen’s groups
– Spies in activist groups put psychological pressure on genuine activists by undermining their trust in one another. They may also disrupt legal activities, undermining the effectiveness of group efforts.

Detain and release ordinary citizens
– Detention intimidates or psychologically damages those arrested and also lets everyone know that anyone could be labeled an “enemy combatant” and “disappeared.”

Target key individuals
– People are less likely to speak out when those who are highly visible, like journalists, scholars, artists, or celebrities, are intimidated or have the livelihoods threatened. Targeting those who are especially visible makes it less likely that people will speak out and robs society of leaders and others who might inspire opposition.

Restrict the press
– The public is less likely to find out about government wrongdoing if the government can threaten to prosecute anyone who publishes or broadcasts reports that are critical of the government.

Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason
– People who protest can be charged with terrorism or treason when laws criminalize or limit free speech rather than protect it.

Subvert the rule of law
– The disappearance of checks and balances makes it easier to declare martial law, especially if the judiciary branch continues to exercise authority over individuals but has no authority over the Executive branch.

Now, these 10 points are from Naomi Wolf’s book, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, which is spawned a documentary with the same name. I’ve not changed the text above to fit the Malaysian context, but does ANY of this sound familiar to you?

It should be noted that the steps detailed in the book, undertaken by Bush-era America, themselves mirrored the steps taken by Nazi-era Germany in the years before WWII.

Believe me when I say that the screws are being turned slowly, day by day. There will be more and more provocation, designed to elicit a specific response. We must not play their game.

Notable links below:
The End Of America Movie
The Huffington Post – Noami Wolf expands on the 10 steps

The documentary is available on *cough-cough* certain file sharing sites, or you can buy it online, or you can ‘borrow’ my copy.

May 13th – Book Launch & Public Forum

Source : Elizabeth Wong | The story behind the book

“The first credible account of the May 13, 1969 racial riots in Malaysia based on documents recently declassified at the Public Records Office in London”

may 13 cover

This book will be launched, tied in with a public forum this Sunday, May 13th 2007.

Public Forum
Revisiting May 13 Tragedy:
Race Relations and National Unity After Independence

Speakers: Dr. Syed Husin Ali, Dr. S Nagarajan, Dr. Kua Kia Soong
Moderator: Elizabeth Wong

Date: 13 May 2007, Sunday
Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm
Venue: Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, 1, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur ({wt} off Petaling Street)

Free admission to the book launch and the public forum. The public forum will be conducted in Bahasa Malaysia and English.

For more information:
Ms. Enalini Dewi Ellumalai : +60 3 77843525
Suaram : Web | Email

It’s In The Air You Breathe

Via email.

But we’re not quite sure what it is! Do you know what you’re breathing and how it got there? More to the point, what is going to happen to air quality in the future?

The answer to the last one is, we don’t know, and we’re not allowed to know. When the largest waste incinerator in Asia was planned near Broga, the residents had to take out a court case to try and find out details of the project. We’re still waiting for answers, though there are rumours that it has been shelved.

If you want to know more about the problems of waste management and access to information, come to a talk by Bradley Angel. He’s just come back from a trip to Japan where he was meeting with the main beneficiary of the Broga project, the company awarded the contract to build it and his latest concern is about the building of a plasma arc waste treatment facility in KL, Malaysia using a technology from a California company that Greeaction has been up against with. The US company is called IET ( and their medical waste subsidiary is InEnTec, The KL project will serve as a testing and demonstration facility for the Malaysian market.

His biography is below… so browse through then join us!

Venue : CIJ office (27C, Jalan Sarikei) | Map
When : Friday 27 April 2007, 8.30pm
Who : YOU!!!

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Toll Hike Protests: IOI Mall

Via email.

These people were just saying what all of us feel. Whatever their political affiliations, all of us feel the pinch of the rising cost of living. What more when our questions with the standard reply which involves the words “national security” being thrown around. Whose nation? Whose security? The highway companies are mostly Bumiputra (hence Malay if you’re Peninsular Malaysian) and probably some fat cat Datuks and Tan Sris are living large off the Rakyat, skimming off deals made between the sheets and under the tables, between these Highway concessionaires and the Government. In the words of a contractor friend, “Itu BQ tulis 10 guni simen, guna 6 guni, 4 guni masuk poket.”

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